bearing wall

[ˈbɛəriŋ wɔ:l]
  • 释义
  • 承重炉墙,承重墙;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Brick - concrete structure buildings to load - bearing wall, the so - called load - bearing walls.

    砖混结构建筑物的墙要承重, 即所谓承重墙.

  • 2、

    Solid clay brick still prevails in the load - bearing wall materials in china.

    在中国的 承重 墙体材料中,实心粘土砖仍占据主要地位.

  • 3、

    Frame by frame pre - poured concrete load - bearing wall is cut off from the role.

    框架结构全部由事先浇筑的混凝土框架 承重,墙只是起隔断作用.

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